1st Vietnamese Secondary Mathematics Contest

(For 6th grade)

A2. Let n be a positive integer and let U(n) = {d1; d2;...dm} be the set of all positive divisors of n. Prove that
d12 + d22 + ...+ dm2 <
(For 7th grade)

A3. Prove that

 where a, b, c are there positive numbers satisfying abc = 1.

 A4. Solve the equation 
A5.  Let ABCD be a square, M is a point lying on CD (MC, MD). Through the point C draw
a line perpendicular to AM at H, BH meets AC at K. Prove that:

1) MK is always parallel to a fixed line when M moves on the side CD.

2) The circumcenter of the quadrilateral ADMK lies on a fixed line.

A6. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that abc = 1. Prove that

(For upper secondary schools)

A7. Conside all triangles ABC where A < B < C≤
Find the least value of the expression: M = cot2A + cot2B + cot2C + 2(cotA - cotB)(cotB - cotC)(cotC - cotA).

A8. Suppose that the tetrahedron ABCD statisfies the following conditions:  All faces are acute triangles and BC is perpendicular to AD.  Let ha, hd be respectively the lengths of the altitudes from A, D onto the opposite faces, and let 2α  be the measure of the dihedral angle at edge BC, d is the distance between BC and AD. Prove the inequalityl: 

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